Thursday, July 16, 2009


Today I felt like jumping off the bridge.
It wasn't anyone's fault.
of coarse its mine.
it would always be mine.
just dont blame others for your misery.

and oh
why dont floors open up and swallow you when you need them to?

and today I did learn one simple thing.
friendship do matters.
they made me feel better
though I've been in a very rough mood

I have to be strong.
at least for myself.
guess so (?)

ps- I always write in english when no suitable BM words can define my heartbroken.


Anonymous said...

nak terjun jmbatan kaa?
pi kat jmbatan bukit ijaoo
bley terjun pehtu berenang sambil menyelam....

aimanjafre said...

bukit ijo ada jambatan ka??
aku tau ada ayaq tejon jak...
nak bawak ang skali arr..
kita tejon sesama tikaku

pling pling

Anonymous said...

apa plak tadak..
jmbatan de cam penang bridge!
pengetahuan am neyhh!!

okeyh bebeh
kta berenang sesama nah..
[aku xaxao berenang!!!wuwuwuwuwu]